上海最新动态_营销crm_深圳市羽堂品牌设计顾问有限公司_最挣钱没人干的行业 本系统开发选择java语言,java语言是一个完全面向对象的语言,java为开发者提供了丰富的类库,大大减少了使用windows编程的难度,减少开发人员在设计算法上的难度,作为java开发Eclipse更是一个必不可少的角色,它友好的界面,以及强大的功能,给程序开发人员带来了很多方便,加上环境简单,转移方便,无疑使此系统最佳的选择。所以后台设计选择使用MySQL数据库主要用来的建立和维护信息。对于前台开发要求应具备功能完善、易于操作等优点,后台数据库的要求则是能够建立和维护数据信息的统一性和完整性。







随着计算机技术,网络技术的迅猛发展,Internet 的不断普及,网络在各个领域里发挥了越来越重要的作用。特别是随着近年人民生活水平不断提高,在线旅游给旅行社业务带来了更大的发展机遇。





With the rapid development of computer technology and network technology and the continuous popularization of Internet, network has played a more and more important role in various fields. The continuous development of online travel agencies has brought greater opportunities to people's living standards, especially in recent years.

Driven by the rapid economic development, the development of tourism is also faster and faster. People have a great demand for tourism information. Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, it is very necessary to make a tourism website. Based on the development of others, this website has customized the rural tourism website with MySQL database and SSM. The front desk of the system realizes the functions of user registration, login, hotel information, tourist attractions and tourist routes, and provides the introduction of scenic spot information and hotel information. The background of the system realizes the functions of adding, deleting and modifying users, hotel information, hotel reservation, tourist attractions, ticket orders, tourist routes and so on.

The development of this system not only makes the rural tourism website more convenient and fast, but also makes the rural tourism website more systematic and orderly. The system interface is friendly and easy to operate.

Key words: rural tourism website; JSP technology; Mysql database; SSM framework


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1背景和意义 1

1.2现状和趋势 1

1.3研究项目内容 2

1.4论文结构 2

第二章 系统开发技术 3

2.1 JSP技术介绍 3

2.2 Mysql数据库介绍 3

2.3 B/S架构 4

2.4 SSM框架 4

第三章 系统分析与设计 5

3.1网站性能需求分析 5

3.2可行性分析 5

3.2.1经济可行性 5

3.2.2技术可行性 6

3.2.3操作可行性 6

3.2.4时间可行性 7

3.3系统结构设计 7

3.4数据库设计 7

3.4.1E-R图设计 7

3.4.2表设计 10

第四章 系统详细设计 16

4.1 本章简介 16

4.2后台功能模块—管理员功能模块 16

4.3后台功能模块—用户功能模块 22

4.4前台功能模块 24

第五章 系统测试 29

第六章 总结与展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 32



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