





College students' "certificate examination" has become a compulsory course for college students. More and more college students join in the examination. They think that when they graduate and find a job, the more certificates are the better. The "certificate fever" of college students should be highly valued by students, schools and social employers. The formation of the upsurge of college students' certification is mainly due to the factors of schools, employers, social training institutions and students themselves.

In view of the large scale of the various data of the college student examination information and the need of the management personnel to manage some information related to the examination, the paper designs the framework of the college student examination resource sharing applet, gives the overall design of the college student examination resource sharing applet, and discusses in detail the architecture of the college student examination resource sharing applet and the implementation process of the key modules. Using PHP technology and MySQL database technology, a complete system design based on B/S mode has been implemented, providing a good platform for college students to share the examination resources.

Keywords: Sharing of examination resources; PHP; MySQL; B/S mode



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