广东网络建设有限公司_爱建站小程序功能介绍_公司简介模板素材_网站技术培训班 SSM ordering mini program

Major: xxx  Grade: xxx  Class: xx  Student: xxx  

Supervisor: xxx 

Abstract  With the rapid growth of the Chinese economy and the continuous improvement of consumer intelligence, many smartphones and related software are receiving more attention and support. Among them, WeChat's food and beverage ordering mini program has been deeply loved by consumers. Its emergence has greatly improved the quality of life of consumers. At the same time, it has also created a convenient and effective data information management network platform, making it easier for consumers to control their information. In the catering industry, besides takeout, it's all about dining in the store. If you need to wait for your order while dining in the store, the user experience will sharply decline. Many catering stores have also started to develop online ordering systems, which bring new experiences to users, especially in terms of time and space. Users can choose dishes and order meals as long as they are connected to the internet, no matter where they are. The development project of this food and beverage ordering mini program is based on the SSM framework, using Vue.js development method in the front-end and MySQL database. The first choice is to explain the various functions of this food and beverage ordering mini program and the user's needs. Then, according to the user's online ordering needs, the overall design and detailed design of the system are introduced, providing users with the method of building the overall structure of the food and beverage ordering mini program. So as to meet the needs of users to order food online through mini programs.

Key words  Vue.js; SSM; Catering ordering mini program; MySQL






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